Each year,
our bodies replace about 20% of our bones’ spongy tissue, which means that our
activities at every age influences their health. Sections of old bone break down,
creating gaps to be filled by new bone. Until the age of 30, we build bone very
efficiently, so exercising and getting enough calcium, will help your skeleton
reach its genetically determined peak strength. Ninety percent of accumulated
peak bone formation occurs before the age of 20. The effects of not having
enough calcium go beyond an increased risk of osteoporosis in the future. We saw powerful benefits to getting extra
calcium, especially at puberty when children grow taller. Ideally, kids and
adults should get their daily calcium through a healthy diet. Include turnips
and cabbage into your diet, they are rich in calcium. Cheese, eggs, sardines, canned salmon, and milk are also rich in
Turnips have anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties.
They contain vitamin A, C, E, K, B1, B3, B5, B6 and folic acid as well as
manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper and potassium, fiber and omega
fatty acids. The powerful antioxidants in turnips fight free radicals in the
body and protect the body from serious diseases. Protect the heart. Keep the
joints healthy. It lowers cholesterol levels, supports healthy bones. Turnips
contain anti-cancer properties which inhibits the growth of tumors. It protects
the liver. Eating turnips regularly will assist with weight loss and strengthen
the immune system. Turnips also contain lutein that promotes eye health. The
leafy green vegetables that came from the top of the turnip bulbs are known as
turnip greens. The turnip greens are very nutritious and are several times
richer in vitamins.
Watercress contains antioxidants like vitamin C that
neutralize free radicals which cause degenerative diseases like cancer. Vitamin
C in watercress helps maintain normal connective tissue. Watercress strengthens
the immune system. Decreases the risk of diabetes, controls cholesterol and protects against
heart disease. Vitamin K may protect from Alzheimer’s and improves bone health.
Watercress have anti-bacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and inflammatory properties.
Give protection from arthritis and osteoporosis. Watercress contains lutein that is good for
eye health. Watercress contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K,
riboflavin, pyridoxine, thiamin, niacin, folic acid, as well as minerals like
calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese, iron, pantothenic acid, as well as
potassium, lutein and selenium.
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